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If you’re being bullied, ‍you’re not alone.

Jake was in grade 9, and loved his new high school. He enjoyed learning new things and spending time with his friends. But one day, as he turned in to the schoolyard, Jake passed a group of older students.

“Hey, kid with the ugly jacket!”, one said to him. “Anything good in your backpack? Like food? Money?” Jake was suddenly dragged behind a big tree. One boy pulled off his backpack. Another held him down as the rest of the gang went through his backpack, taking his lunch and bus pass. They ran off laughing, saying “See ya tomorrow. Have your mom pack you a bigger lunch next time!”


Jake felt scared.  He wanted to help, but felt if he told someone, the boys might beat him up. So, he decided to contact BullyingCanada and ask them what he should do.


BullyingCanada is available 24/7 to help kids like Jake who are being bullied. They provide sensible advice and get involved to make sure bullied kids get the help they need to feel safe and happy again.


Jake got up the courage to contact BullyingCanada before going to bed that night. Someone answered his call within a minute.

A kind volunteer listened to Jake and asked him some questions. She encouraged him to talk to his homeroom teacher or school guidance counsellor and tell them what happened. She also reminded him that he wasn’t alone and that he had the right to feel safe at school.

Jake felt better, and the next day, he avoided the boys by taking another way into the school, and he went straight to his teacher. The teacher asked who had done this to him, and said she’d help him out. Later that day, Jake noticed his teacher taking all mean boys to the principal’s office. After that, the boys left him — and other kids at school — alone.


Jake felt relieved and was very glad BullyingCanada taught him how to take action and make his school a safer place for everyone.


Inspired by the work of BullyingCanada, Jake bravely helped other kids when he saw them getting bullied. When he didn’t know how to help, he told them what he had learned — that they were not alone — and to call BullyingCanada.


If Jake can ask for help, so can you!


Years later, Jake never forgot the help he got from BullyingCanada, and how he could follow their advice to help other bullied kids. He wanted to do more, and now, he is a BullyingCanada volunteer for a few hours a week.


Jake got training on how to handle all kinds of bullying and helps kids come up with solutions to get their bullies to leave them alone. He even talks to their parents and teachers, to bring in additional help for bullying victims.  He gives kids hope they’ll be safe again when he tells them that he was bullied too, and BullyingCanada helped him when he was young.

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