New Research, curriculum frameworks, & emerging ways of knowing is causing change to early learning programs & practices. Change can either be rocky for & with staff or be the impetus for cultivating new areas of staff curiosity & renewal. This workshop will introduce the theory of change followed by the examination of leaderships kills & strategies to support the change process in teams with diverse generations, cultures, skills, & talents. Using a variety of examples, participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions that will provide insight into how staff can be empowered to embrace change & gain a sense of renewal through the change process.
Dr. Beverlie Dietze is the Director of Learning and Teaching at Okanagan College. She holds a Masters of Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. She is author of a number of articles and textbooks that focus on early childhood education.
DISCOUNT is offered if participant wants to register for both Beverlie Dietze’s events (April 2 & 3) Register here:
Event Registration
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