Leading Successful Field-Trips & Community Adventures

May 7, 2019 @ 10:00 am -12:00 pm
ELCC & Community Development Education Centre


AECEA & GOV’T APPROVED! Apply for Funding!

Calling all Afterschool Professionals! Out-trips are a ton of fun and a helpful way to build leadership and citizenship with youth, but is your program using industry best practices to execute trips safely and are the trips benefiting growth?

Join ELCC & Community Development in this active Scavenger Hunt style workshop as we tour the community around us, learn effective out-trip supervision, safety, and emergency procedures as well as explore zero dollar trips for your Afterschool Program and Summer Camp.

AECEA APPROVED! Apply for Funding!

CLICK HERE for a printable poster for your staff board.

Your file has been uploaded. Please make sure to re-save any changes you make in the correct file and with the program name and date in front of the document. ie: POW_June302018_BiWeekly Payroll