In person if Alberta restrictions allow at that time. If not, then virtual.
This interactive workshop will invite early childhood educators to share their experiences and ideas regarding the observation and documentation process using the cycle of curiosity [created by Dr. Beverlie Dietze]. We will explore documentation through a variety of learning experiences that create space for discussion and reflection. Learning stories & diverse forms of documentation will be shared with participants. There will be an opportunity to create learning stories based on the participants experiences with children.
Learning Outcomes
• Participants will be introduced to observational strategies and documentation techniques to enhance their skills.
• This workshop will provide the participants with real time experiences to try out ideas introduced, discuss workshop content and create collaboratively to complement existing abilities.
• The use of a variety of technology platforms will be shared to allow participants the opportunity to try out diverse forms of documentation.
• The workshop is designed to boost participants confidence in creating meaningful, reflective documentation with and for children and families.
• The Alberta Curriculum Framework, Flight, will be utilized as the theoretical ‘touch stone’ to re-familiarize participants with its core components.
Presented by Linda O’Donoghue, Early Childhood Education & Development Program Instructor, Bow Valley College