Super Tools for Super Programs


Have you ever experienced a behavior problem with a child in your program? Of course, you have, we all have! Would you like some powerful and practical brain-based discipline tools to help you get the kind of behaviors that make you love working with kids? Learn tricks for preventing undesirable behavior like – superior interiors, tremendous agendas, rituals, framing, and superpowers. Learn techniques to use once misbehavior has occurred like peace out, positive mental images, proximity, logical consequences, and restitution. Learn many tools that are guaranteed to make guidance and building self-discipline easier and make working with school-age kids more enjoyable!



Mike Ashcraft, Co-Founder, and CEO of Children’s Choice, holds a Master of Arts Degree in Education with an Emphasis in School-Age Care from Concordia University. He is a doctoral of education candidate (ABD) with Nova Southeastern University. He has more than 20 years of experience in child care and education. He served as a training and technical service contractor and a professional writing contractor for the New Mexico Public Education Department. He served as a guest professor on the faculty of Concordia University, teaching college courses in school-age care programming. He is a former Accreditation Endorser for the National Afterschool Association. He is the former President of the New Mexico School-Age Care Alliance and the New Mexico Association for the Education of Young Children. He is the author of Best Practices: Guidelines for School-Age Programs, and the Best Practices Workbook, and co-author of Learning to Lead: Leading to Learn: Organizational Leadership for the Child Care and Youth Development Director.

Chelsea Ashcraft, Co-Founder, and CEO of Children’s Choice, holds a Master of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education and Administration from Nova Southeastern University. She has more than 20 years of experience in child care: as a teacher, a camp director, a school-age child care coordinator, and a corporate child care center director. She has extensive training and experience in school-age child care and has shared her knowledge as a presenter at many state and national training events. Chelsea serves on the faculty of Central New Mexico College, teaching college courses in child development, guidance, leadership, and teaching strategies. She is a former accreditation endorser for the National Afterschool Association. She is the co-author of Learning to Lead: Leading to Learn: Organizational Leadership for the Child Care and Youth Development Director.

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