Upon registration, all fees are due and payable. Please refer to the current fee schedule to determine the fees due. It is your responsibility to ensure all payments are received. Because your child fills one of a limited number of spaces, your space must be paid for whether your child is present or not. Therefore, there is no exemption from fees for absence due to illness, vacation, program closure, staggered entry, or for any other reason. No credits can be given for days missed.
- A $50.00 non-refundable registration fee is required for each family registering in the program at the beginning of the term of care annually. This fee will not be applied to any month’s payment; it is strictly an administrative fee.
- Fees are due on the 1st or 15th day of each month, by post-dated cheque or automatic deposit. (chosen at the time of registration). The only reason these dates will change is if the 1st or 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, then it will be the next business day that the bank will debit that payment.
- Fees will not be prorated for any reason.