I’m in charge! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be home alone – in charge? What would you do? Watch TV? Do homework? Play video games? Hang around with friends? What if there was an emergency? Would you know what to do? This book is a handy guide for information on things you need to know BEFORE you are left alone. Fill it out and keep it in a safe place where you can find it and refer to it when necessary. Being in charge is a HUGE responsibility. Being prepared will help you and your parents feel more comfortable when you’re home alone.
9 Home Alone Safety Tips: https://www.toppkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/9-Home-Alone-Safety-Tips.pdf
Safe At Home Alone: https://www.toppkids.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/6053-0183-Safe-at-Home-Alone-Book-1.pdf