How to Control Your Emotions?

Do you know what the zones of regulation are? Kiddos…do you sometimes get bent out of shape…but not understand why you are feeling this way? That’s because our emotions can be really hard to identify. So, let’s chat a little more about our emotions with another Wellness 101 Jr.

Our feelings…Hey buddy you ok? Buzz buzz buzz. Oh that’s ok pal…it may not feel like it…but what you are going through is completely normal. Buzz buzz buzz. Well, that’s because sometimes our emotions can be really hard to figure out. But don’t worry…I got you and the kiddos covered here.

You see kids, our feelings can be tricky. Knowing how to identify them and control them is a very powerful skill to learn …even for adults! To control them, or “regulate” them – means you’re processing your emotions properly. How can we do that? Well first – we need to take a peek at your brain!

Our brains have many different parts that do many different jobs. Today we will be focusing on the AMYGDALA and the PREFRONTAL CORTEX. Your AMYGDALA is where you feel your emotions. And your PREFRONTAL CORTEX is where you make smart decisions Your amygdala is interesting in the fact that it doesn’t think…it just reacts. In fact most of the time…it over reacts. And that’s why we need our prefrontal cortex to help us calm down and make smart decisions.

So…how do we identify our emotions. To help make things easier, we can put our emotions into 4 different zones that we slide in and out of on a daily basis. We call these zones…The Zones of Regulation.

Zones of regulation:

Brain Science for kids

Exploring anxiety and stress management

Stress management

Stress relief activities

Coping with anxiety

Coping strategies

How to feel feelings

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