ARCQE’s 11th Annual National Child Day Conference

November 16, 2020

Hosted and organized by ARCQE

“As we prepare to commemorate another National Child Day; hosting what will be ARCQE’s 11th annual early learning conference, we reflect on the significance of gathering as a community at a time where social distancing has become a new norm. In a profession that places emphasis on “practice of relationships” no doubt the onset of a pandemic health outbreak has challenged all of us relative to how we continue to find new and meaningful ways to honour the rights of children at a juncture in our history where there is so much uncertain-ty and transition. For these reasons and knowing there is much wisdom and strength that can come from uniting in times of adversity, we felt taking pause to

• re-imagine responsive environments in welcoming the return of children & families to programs,
• renew our focus on authentic ways we support the practice of relationships and;
• reconsider ways we continue to nurture the process of reflective practice

was important as we adapt and redefine the spirit of “community” in new virtual ways. In so doing, and on days where it all feels impossible, we urge all of you to continue to take inspiration from the endless springs of resilience we have seen authentically exhibited in a million surprising ways from children over the past 6-month period. Looking forward- we embrace the opportunity to be in community with all of you as we celebrate National Child Day together November 16 – 20, 2020!”

Dates: Recordings will be released during Nov 16-20, 2020
Time: On-Demand (Anytime)
Platform: GoToWebinar

To register, please click HERE.

To view the conference brochure, please click HERE.

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