Serving our Community

Building a Better Community

All TOPP KIDS programs are actively involved in the local community. We feel that it is our social responsibility and mission to provide quality child care to the community at an affordable price. We focus on providing children with the necessary tools to become leaders in their communities, along with abolishing bullying in their environments. Being an integral part of the community is important to us as well, so TOPP KIDS Out of School Clubs participates in local events and fundraisers often.

Throughout the year we encourage visits from the local fire stations, police services and other community groups and businesses to educate children about these vital community services.  We also make visits to local community facilities with the children on special excursions, including visits to libraries, retirement villages, local shops and other special community places of interest.

TOPP KIDS has a policy of buying locally whenever possible and most services and supplies are sourced from local businesses.

We see our childcare service as a vital community link providing care and education for the young people of the local community.  We endeavor to be involved in local activities.


YYC Play – Signing the PLAY Charter

YYC Plays is a group of organizations working together to show the impact play has on our city. We work together to set Calgary up as a leader in how people play. Our goal is to show the value and importance of play, as well as increase play participation. TOPP KIDS Joined in 2018, signing the PLAY Charter at the Calgary Central Library. This commitment to PLAY and delivery of Play to the city sets us apart as we were the only Afterschool program in Calgary to sign!

Parkland Community & Park 96

For over a decade, we have partnered with our local Parkland Community Association and Park 96 for events like the Annual Fall Fair or SummerFest as well as having a great place to bring the kiddos through the year. We value the ability to work with them and look forward to continuing to be a big part of the community!


Local Fundraising

Each of our programs choose one or more fundraising initiatives each year to help sponsor. In the past, we have teamed up to benefit the Kids Cancer Care Foundation, the Jacket Racket, Twoonies for Turtles, CUPS, local veterinary clinics and many other local organizations and initiatives.

We are always looking for new causes to help support in our community. If you are interested in having TOPP KIDS involved in your charity or event, please contact us.


Parent and Family Workshops- Coming Soon!

TOPP KIDS now hosts a variety of monthly parent and family workshops out of our corporate office location. Families and community members are encouraged to sign up and become part of our larger TOPP KIDS community.


School  & Community Involvement

It is our policy to maintain a close working partnership with both the schools we operate out of and the communities surrounding those schools. We feel it is important to stay connected and to participate in as many community and school activities as possible. This in turn helps us create a stronger relationship with our schools and our families.


Partnerships and Sponsors

Whenever possible, TOPP KIDS partners with local businesses, suppliers and sponsors in order to add value to our programs and provide children with greater opportunities for learning. For instance, our partnership with SYSCO Foods helps us build our TOPP KIDS Cafe – focusing on the life skills of meal preparation, food safety, and cooking. They supply all groceries and occasionally a few chefs to come to cook with the kids.

We welcome these types of partnerships and are always looking for new opportunities.

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