What People Say…


The care and attention this team gives is unparalleled. My son has grown immensely in the two years he has been a part of the program. TOPP KIDS puts the children first and do everything they can to make sure that the children feel included, important, and special individuals. So much love for the TOPP KIDS team!!


TOPP KIDS is a blessing. All their staff are a pleasure to deal with. My son has had a fabulous time this year and is already hoping to be able to do it again next year.


I truly wish I had discovered this fabulous service earlier. My daughter is incredibly excited each and every day she goes to TOPP KIDS and is even disappointed when it's a holiday and she doesn't get to go. All of the staff are very friendly and tremendously helpful. It is a joy knowing that I'm able to leave my child in the care of this great group of people.


Our daughter prefers TOPP KIDS over other extracurricular activities. Most days she would rather go to TOPP KIDS than not.


TOPP KIDS is an excellent program. My child is recognized as an individual and his talents are encouraged. We are very grateful to be a part of the TOPP KIDS community. It feels like an extension to our family.


My two kids (7 & 9) enjoy TOPP KIDS Summer Camp every year. This is partly their familiarity with the leaders and children because of the year-round Before and After School program, but I am certain that even without the familiarity piece, the camp would be a success for them.

What I love most is that both of my kids have different takeaways from the camp. My youngest talks about the fun he had with friends and activities mostly, and then also a bit about fun with leaders. My oldest always talks most about how much she loves the leaders and what they did that day, then to a lesser extent about the activities. My oldest has always identified and enjoyed more the company of older kids and adults, while my youngest is more active and really plays to his age. It is so great that TOPP KIDS can provide excellent care for both.


TOPP KIDS provides the best care outside of our home that I could hope for. They are an extension of our family and have been a big part of my son's development.


My son has never been to childcare before so I worried he would hate the long days. He has loved TOPP KIDS since the first day and gets upset when I try to bring him home!


Thanks again to TOPP KIDS for providing top quality care to my child.


Excellent! Says it all...


Thank you for everything you do. I also know my kids are safe and having fun! It is a built-in playdate EVERY DAY! Thanks!!

Staff is fantastic. They make both me and my child feel very welcome.
Really glad to see they take every opportunity to get outside play time.

Hours are very accommodating for parents. They have musical instruments & exposure to the arts that spark the interests of the children. The ratio for child/caregivers is exceptional. The staff are very knowledgeable about behaviour and focus on the positives of the children.

Staff are approachable, fun and kind to the children.

Keeping kids in the community, saves parents transportation cost as well as parents feel better having them close. The staff work hard with all the kids to ensure they are safe and happy.

TOPP KIDS is more than we could ask for. The staff are very kind and caring to all children in the program. I feel very welcomed and included in what’s happening on the rare days I’m able to pick up our son, it’s generally my husband that does pick up. Our son is well taken care of, has lots of friends and activities of all kinds to keep him busy and engaged. Love Love Love TOPP KIDS!

Fun. Friendly. Laughing. Caring. Compassionate. Sincere. Helpful. Beautiful.

They allow kids to be kids, by playing, learning, and growing.

Those are just a few words that I would use to describe the TOPP KIDS program and their people. They welcomed my son into the program with open arms and 2 years later he is still excited to go, even if it is not full time anymore. The flexibility is a blessing, even as school and work schedules change. I appreciate each and every single one of the leaders. I love their compassion and their enthusiasm for their job. They definitely have selected the best of the best when it comes to hiring.

As a child psychologist, I feel I am extra aware of how amazing the TOPP KIDS program is. Every aspect of my child's healthy development has been fostered and supported through his envelopment in this program. I am brought to tears all the time by how caring and loving all the staff is. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who wants their child to be loved, encouraged, supported, nurtured and inspired!

As a parent to a shy child just entering kindergarten, I want to thank you for the personalized care you've provided. You gave attention when needed, and offered her the support to branch out as she gained confidence with her peers. You kept us updated about her progress and we are so thankful.

The TOPP KIDS program at Evergreen is the best. My son loves going and always has something to share at the end of the day about what he had done. The staff are welcoming, approachable, and amazing!! I can't say enough great things about the staff and program.

I have seen a transformation in both my kids since they have been attending this program. I cannot thank all the staff enough for making each and every child feel so valued and special. Incredible.

Worth every penny!

TOPP KIDS has been an amazing experience for both my children. We are very happy with the level of professionalism from staff and the activities provided are excellent.

TOPP KIDS has been so amazing with my daughter. All the staff goes above and beyond to help her to improve what is necessary. If one day I consider changing communities, I will choose a school that has TOPP KIDS as their childcare provider. Without their support, it would be very difficult for me and my family. Besides that, Natalie likes to go to school because of TOPP KIDS. Thanks for all you do!


The TOPP KIDS staff are wonderful! So wonderful, my child never wants to leave when it's time to go!


Hours are very accommodating for parents. They have musical instruments & exposure to the arts that spark the interests of the children. The ratio for child/caregivers is exceptional. The staff are very knowledgeable with behaviour and focus on the positives of the children.

Awesome program and teachers!

TOPP KIDS is such a large part of our community here in our school. The relationships they carry with families and school staff are always friendly and respectful. They truly care for the students well being and inspire children to grow through meaningful activities. Its a joy having the TOPP KIDS program in our facility.

"They have hands-on learning environments for children with ample opportunities for them to be in leadership roles with a huge focus of community involvement."



TOPP KIDS really is a family. I feel extremely valued, included, and respected every day as an employee. I can access support whenever needed and have experienced so many opportunities for professional development and growth within the company.

TOPP KIDS really gave me a chance at the beginning of my employment and encouraged me to take the necessary steps in furthering my career in child care. They treat each and every employee as family, and really encourage the professional and personal growth of every employee. I appreciate the fact that TOPP KIDS incorporates everyone's strength in order to provide QUALITY child care to the families of Calgary.
TOPP KIDS goes above and beyond for their employees to ensure we are getting all that we need in order to keep ourselves current in the child care field!

I'm proud and happy to work at TOPP KIDS.

I could not imagine loving a job more than I love working at TOPP KIDS.

I love everything about my job and have since the beginning. I love that there are opportunities for moving up and love the constant challenge of the job! I feel valued and that I can help make a difference. Thank you for supporting not only me but everyone that you hire to the best that you can!
You are all very appreciated!


Research found that the more consistent participation in afterschool results in greater gains in their math achievement. Among low-income students, the higher the levels of participation in afterschool, the smaller the math achievement gap is between them and their high-income peers (Afterschool Alliance, 2017).

Researchers found positive results in reading achievement among children who participated in an after school program, particularly in lower elementary grade levels (Afterschool Alliance, 2017).

Children who regularly attended high-quality programs over two years demonstrated gains of up to 20 percentiles and 12 percentiles in standardized math test scores respectively, compared to their peers who were often unsupervised during after school hours (Afterschool Alliance, 2017).

Students who regularly participated in high-quality after school programs improved their classroom work habits and task persistence (Afterschool Alliance, 2017).

Students participating in an after school program showed significantly higher self-regulation and significantly fewer problem behaviours than their peers who did not participate in a program (Aftershool Alliance, 2017).

Students who regularly participate in quality afterschool programs:

  • Show improvements in their self-perception and esteem. ƒ
  • Have for physical activity, healthy snacks and nutrition. ƒ
  • Take fewer negative risks and make better decisions. ƒ
  • Are excited about and more engaged in learning. ƒ
  • Behave better in the classroom. ƒ
  • Can connect with adults and mentors to broaden their base of support.

(Afterschool Alliance)

Learning doesn’t just happen in school! For students, more than 80% of their time is spent learning outside of school.

After school STEAM exposure can nearly double the time some students have to question, tinker, learn, and explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics.

(Afterschool Alliance, 2018)

For every student in afterschool, 2 more would participate if a program were available (Afterschool Alliance, 2018).

Many children are alone and unsupervised from 3pm to 6pm. These are the hours when juvenile crime and victimization peak—but many parents are still at work. When kids have no place to go after school, they miss out on valuable learning opportunities and parents lose valuable work time (Afterschool Alliance, 2018).

Studies show that healthy, active children learn better, perform better academically and experience fewer behavioral problems. Afterschool and summer learning programs are well-positioned to be key partners in a comprehensive effort to help children grow up healthy, providing young people with access to nutritious foods promoting healthy habits and physically fit students.


Afterschool Is a World of New Opportunities

Engaging Children in After School Programs

Why Afterschool Makes "Cents" for Georgia

Research Works: After School Programs

After-school STEM programs inspire kids to keep learning

"Students spend only 20% of their waking hours in school." After school is here to help fill in the gaps.
Check out how in this great article:

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