Physical Literacy- Certification!

March 21, 2019 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
ELCC & Community Development Education Centre


Learn about Alberta’s new provincial activity guidelines! Learn practical tips & tricks to implement the guidelines within your program through hands-on activities and obtain confidence in facilitating meaningful physical activity within your programs!

Participants will work through the certification process to achieve their certificate in Physical Activity & New Provincial Activity Guidelines! You will receive a certificate after the completion of the workshop!

Ever Active Schools facilitates the development of healthy children & youth by fostering social & physical environments that support healthy, active school communities! Come learn about what is happening in the industry around physical literacy, how you can incorporate it into your programming & encourage children to build a lifestyle based on physical activity!

Louise joins EAS as a Provincial Projects Coordinator, supporting projects across the province that positively impact healthy school environments and student well-being.

She earned a Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Calgary and a Masters Degree in Public Health from Simon Fraser University, with a specialization in child health promotion and a focus on the school environment. The majority of her work was focused on mental health promotion in schools, including improving the social and emotional health of disadvantaged and at-risk children and youth.

Active After Schools provides provincial leadership that promotes and supports healthy, active school communities through a comprehensive school health approach. All Alberta students belong to healthy school communities that enable optimal health and learning.

Active After Schools will be facilitating this fascinating workshop! Come join us!

CLICK HERE for a printable poster for your staff board.

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