Partnership with Calgary Sports and Entertainment!

TOPP KIDS has partnered with Calgary Sports and Entertainment we can have our families BENEFIT even more from being a part of the TOPP KIDS family! We can however also include your ENTIRE SCHOOL and COMMUNITY, raising more awareness for TOPP KIDS and with our donation option, they can help send other TOPP KIDS that typically couldn’t afford to go to games! Money raised as part of the regular ticket price also goes toward sponsoring families that can’t typically afford summer camp.

If we sell more than 100 tickets to any one event, the amount TOPP KIDS receives DOUBLES and we can help MORE FAMILIES!

Other cool parts of our partnership:

  • Autograph sessions available for TOPP KIDS after most games
  • Exclusive family section available for those who like to stay away from other crazy fans
  • Every ticket sold helps a TOPP KID
  • You can donate a ticket for another TOPP KID with any purchase
  • We have the opportunity to organize tunnel runs and other sponsorship opportunities to help kids meet players and be part of the games!

Link to purchase:


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